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AiW #36: Silence all round

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  1. diceman
  2. Wed, May 13, 2020
  3. Played: 40 Solved: 19 Uniquely Solved: 16
  1. Best Solution: 123 steps Your Best: You're not logged in!
  2. At last the Mouse, who seemed to be a person of authority among them, called out, “Sit down, all of you, and listen to me! I’ll soon make you dry enough!” They all sat down at once, in a large ring, with the Mouse in the middle. Alice kept her eyes anxiously fixed on it, for she felt sure she would catch a bad cold if she did not get dry very soon.

    “Ahem!” said the Mouse with an important air, “are you all ready? This is the driest thing I know. Silence all round, if you please! ‘William the Conqueror, whose cause was favoured by the pope, was soon submitted to by the English, who wanted leaders, and had been of late much accustomed to usurpation and conquest. Edwin and Morcar, the earls of Mercia and Northumbria—’”

    ©Lewis Carroll, 1865


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  • 123 steps
    Rank 1 +10 EXP
  • 126 steps
    Rank 2 +5 EXP
  • 147 steps
    Rank 3 +3 EXP
  • Any steps
    First Solve +5 EXP

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  • 39cool's avatar
    39cool Pro
    I'm going to get pushed back eventually.
    • diceman's avatar
      @39cool: Not by me, lol. :D Congratulations! Personally I think this one's way harder than the one before.
    • 39cool's avatar
      39cool Pro
      @diceman: wow, thanks!