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Pen and paper puzzle #23

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Puzzle Info

  1. Jonathan Handojo
  2. Sun, October 11, 2015
  3. Played: 34 Solved: 19 Uniquely Solved: 18
  1. Best Solution: 173 steps Your Best: You're not logged in!
  2. The idea is that everytime you get to that point, you MUST teleport, and yet you can choose which direction you would like to go. It's still not a perfect setup, because you can still choose whether or not you would like to teleport when you reach that point, but I believe it is somewhat very close to the idea.


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EXP Chart

  • 173 steps
    Rank 1 +10 EXP
  • 174 steps
    Rank 2 +5 EXP
  • 175 steps
    Rank 3 +3 EXP
  • Any steps
    First Solve +5 EXP

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